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StereoPlus / AudioQuest Boxer sabvūferu kabelis

AudioQuest Boxer sabvūferu kabelis


AudioQuest Boxer sabvūferu kabelis

    • 209 €
SKU: K-S-S-AQ-B Categories: ,


Metal: Solid 1,25% Silver

Geometry: Double-Balanced

Dielectric: Polyethylene Air-Tubes

Noise-Dissipation: Carbon-Based NoiseDissipation

Jacket: Up to 5m: Brown/Black Braid
8m and Longer CL3/FT4 Rated: Black PVC with Brown Stripes

Termination: Cold-Welded, Hanging-Silver directly over pure Red Copper

Application – Attached Chassis-Ground Connector:  RCA – RCA