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StereoPlus / Acoustical Systems The SMARTractor Phono Alignment Tool
Acoustical Systems The SMARTractorAcoustical Systems The SMARTractor Phono Alignment ToolAcoustical Systems The SMARTractor Phono Alignment Tool
Acoustical Systems The SMARTractor Phono Alignment Tool
Acoustical Systems The SMARTractor-2
Acoustical Systems The SMARTractor-1

Acoustical Systems The SMARTractor Phono Alignment Tool


Nopietnam audiofīlam, kurš ir ieinteresēts, lai arī periodiski pielāgotu analogo priekšpusi ar vislielāko precizitāti, meklē precizitāti, kas ir parocīga un ar kuru ir viegli darboties.