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StereoPlus / Arcam A15
Arcam-A15-frontArcam A15Arcam A15
Arcam A15

Arcam A15


ARCAM A15 ir jaudas māja ar 80 vatu jaudu katrā kanālā. Tas ir lieliski piemērots klausīšanai ar torņa skaļruņiem, lielākās telpās un pārbagātākā klausīšanās skaļumā.


Continuous power output (0.5% THD), per channel
2 channels driven, 20Hz – 20kHz, 8Ω 80W
2 channels driven, 1kHz, 4Ω 120W
Harmonic distortion, 80% power, 8Ω at 1kHz 0.002%

Analogue Inputs
Number of inputs 3 (RCA pairs)
Signal/noise ratio (A-wtd, ref. 50W, 1V input) 106dB
Frequency response 20Hz—20kHz ± 0.2dB

Phono (MM) Input
Input impedance 47kΩ + 100pF
Frequency response (ref. RIAA curve) 20Hz—20kHz ± 1dB
Signal/noise ratio (A-wtd, ref. 50W, 0dBFS) 109dB

Digital Inputs
Supported Sample Rates (kHz)
Coaxial (RCA) 192, 176.4, 96, 88.2, 48, 44.1
Optical (Toslink) 192, 176.4, 96, 88.2, 48, 44.1

Bit depths (bit) 24, 16
Frequency response (fi lter 1) 20Hz—20kHz ± 0.2dB
Signal/noise ratio (A-wtd, ref. 50W, 0dBFS) 109dB

Headphone Output
Maximum output level (RMS) into 32Ω/300Ω 2.5V/5Vrms
Load range 16Ω – 2kΩ

Mains voltage 100V or 110–120V or 220–240V, 50–60Hz
Power consumption (maximum) 500W
Power consumption (standby) <0.5W
Dimensions W x D (including speaker terminals) x H (including feet) 431 x 344 x 98mm
Weight (net) 10kg
Weight (packed) 13kg

Supplied accessories
Mains lead(s)
Remote control with 2 x AAA batteries
Quick Start Guide
Important Safety Instructions