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StereoPlus / AudioQuest Dragon BiWire COMBO (ZERO + BASS)

AudioQuest Dragon BiWire COMBO (ZERO + BASS)


AudioQuest Dragon BiWire COMBO (ZERO + BASS) akustiskais kabelis

    • 50800 €
SKU: K-KS-G-AQ-D-BW-C Categories: ,


Metal: Solid Perfect-Surface Silver (PSS) Sonic-Signature Conductors and Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+)

Gauge: 10 AWG

Geometry: ZERO-Tech (No Characteristic Impedance)

Multi-Layer Carbon-Based Noise-Dissipation

Jacket: Black Braid

Application Options:
Full-Range, or BiWire COMBO (when combined with BASS cable)
BiWire COMBO (when combined with ZERO cable)

Plug Options (1000 Series, Silver):
AMP-Side: Choice of U-Spade (recommended default), Banana, Multi-Spade, or V-Spade
SPEAKER-Side: Choice of U-Spade (recommended default), Banana, or Multi-Spade