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StereoPlus / Cary Audio VT-500
CA-VT-500_silver_leftCary Audio VT-500Cary Audio VT-500Cary Audio VT-500Cary Audio VT-500Cary Audio VT-500Cary Audio VT-500Cary Audio VT-500
Cary Audio VT-500

Cary Audio VT-500


Uzlabojiet savu vinila pieredzi ar VT-500 — vakuuma lampas stereofono priekšpastiprinātāju, kas paredzēts nopietniem audiofiliem. Ar četrām (4) 6SL7 divu triožu lampām tās centrā VT-500 nodrošina nepārspējamu skaņas kvalitāti, kas pārveidos jūsu vinila klausīšanās sesijas. Tā pasīvā RC ķēde nodrošina precīzu RIAA izlīdzināšanu, savukārt pilnībā regulējams barošanas avots, kas atrodas atsevišķā lieljaudas šasijā, garantē klusu darbību.

SKU: SK-F-CA-VT-500 Categories: , ,


Circuit Type Direct Coupled
Single-ended Class A
Frequency Response RIAA Curve + 0.5 dB, passive RIAA circuit design
Gain MM – 38 dB, using triode vacuum tubes
MC – 65 dB, using input transformers and triode vacuum tubes
Noise and Hum -78 dB below full output
Input Impedance MM – 47kΩ
MC – Selectable 50Ω, 100Ω, 200Ω, 500Ω, 1000Ω
Output Impedance 660Ω
Power Supply Design Fully Regulated Power Supply with 1 ea. – R-Core transformer
Output Polarity Non-Inverting
Vacuum Tube Complement 2 ea – 6SL7 Head Amp
2 ea – 6SL7 RIAA EQ & Amp Gain Stage
1 ea – 5AR4 Vacuum Tube Rectifier (located in external power supply chassis)
AC Power Requirements 100V-120V @ 50/60 Hz or 200V-240V @ 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption 15 watts
Warm-Up Time 5 Minutes
Break-In Time 100 hours of music playing time
Finish Fine textured black powder coat aluminum chassis, Black or Silver anodized aluminum faceplate
Weight 22 lbs.
Dimensions 5″ H x 17.25″ W x 13″ D