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StereoPlus / Gold Note PSU-1250
Gold Note PSU-1250Gold Note PSU-1250Gold Note PSU-1250Gold Note PSU-1250
Gold Note PSU-1250
Gold Note PSU-1250 - 1
Gold Note PSU-1250 - 2
Gold Note PSU-1250 - 3

Gold Note PSU-1250


PSU-1250 un PSU-1000 ir izcili induktīvi ārējie barošanas avoti, kas īpaši izstrādāti 1000 Gold Note sērijai, tostarp tādiem modeļiem kā CD-1000 MkII, P-1000 MkII un PH-1000. Šiem barošanas blokiem ir uzlabots dizains ar induktīvo filtru analogajā pakāpē un strāvas padevi, izmantojot dubulto induktors gan pozitīvajam, gan negatīvajam posmam.

SKU: SK-B220-GN-PSU-1250 Category:


Maximum variation of output voltage: 0,05 %

Line Noise Rejection: >80dB

Сommon mode noise rejection: >80dB

Absolut Phase Control: Selectable from front panel

Full power response time: <2,5µsec

Power Supply: 100-120V / 220-240V with auto sense, 50/60Hz

Power Consumption: 100W

Dynamic Power: >300W

Stand by power: 1W

Fuse: 3,15 A F

Product Type: Power supply

LxWxH: 425x135x360 mm

Weight: 21000 g