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StereoPlus / Mark Levinson №534
Harman_ML No.534_Front AMark Levinson №534Mark Levinson №534Mark Levinson №534Mark Levinson №534
Mark Levinson №534
Harman_ML No.534_3-4
Harman_ML_534_Back B_RT
Harman_ML_534_Interior A_0003_RT
Harman_ML No.534 Detail Front C2

Mark Levinson №534


Jaudas pastiprinātājs, 2-kanālu, izejas jauda: 2 x 250 W (8 Omi), izmēri: 451 x 508 x 197 mm, svars: 48,5 kg.

SKU: Hi-Fi-Ster-Pastpr-MrkLvn-534 Categories: , ,


Pure Path discrete, direct coupled, fully balanced, dual-monaural signal path
Expansive, fine imaging, extended low frequency response/pitch, and natural high frequencies
Painstakingly optimized little negative feedback, bandwidth, slewing, and open-loop linearity
Fully differential class-AB architecture, operates in class A for most listening conditions
Designed and handcrafted in the USA
One pair balanced, one pair single-ended inputs
Rated for 250wpc into 8 ohms, 500wpc into 4 ohms, with 2-ohm stability