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StereoPlus / MBL N21 Stereo Power-Amplifier
N21_Schwarz_Gold_MBL N21 Stereo Power-AmplifierMBL N21 Stereo Power-AmplifierMBL N21 Stereo Power-AmplifierMBL N21 Stereo Power-AmplifierMBL N21 Stereo Power-Amplifier
MBL N21 Stereo Power-Amplifier

MBL N21 Stereo Power-Amplifier


MBL pastiprinātājs

Caurspīdība un suverenitāte – ļauj mūzikai plūst brīvi

  • Simetrisks izkārtojums labākai kopējā režīma noraidīšanai
  • LASA 2.0 jaudas pastiprinātājs – viendabīgs toņu balanss visā frekvenču diapazonā
  • Soft Clipping – maigi iegriežas, nekad nav agresīvs vai izkropļots
  • Analogais toroidālais transformators ar aizsargvairoga tehnoloģiju MU-metāla korpusā
  • 2 x 380 vatu (4Ω) jauda, 28 ampēru maksimālā izejas strāva
  • 1 līdzsvarota XLR ieeja un 1 peldoša balansēta RCA ieeja


  • Platums: 45,0 cm
  • Dziļums (bez kabeļiem): 42,5 cm
  • Augstums: 15,0 cm


SKU: MBL-9011-1-1 Categories: ,


General description / special features:

  • LASA 2.0 amplifier – MBL-developed technology that combines the advantages of different amplifier concepts. The resultant amplifier is perfectly suited to drive complex loads such as loudspeakers, ensuring that the frequency response remains stable even at varying loads and has a homogeneous tonal balance throughout frequency range
  • Symmetrical layout for better common mode rejection
  • Soft Clipping – even at very high volumes the amplifier goes gently into clipping mode, never sounding aggressive or distorted
  • Power supply is made by a massive analog toroidal transformer with protective shield technology in its MU-metal enclosure
  • 380 watts (4 Ω) power with 28 Amp peak output current, values that ensure a sovereign and unconstrained performance even at higher volume levels
  • Rectifier with low recovery losses
  • High-quality, vibration-damped full copper loudspeaker connections (binding posts) by the German manufacturer WBT
  • MBL SmartLink version 2.0, employed to network MBL devices with the exchange of status information
  • SD-card slot for easy firmware and display content update
  • “Made in Germany” development and production made in MBL’s own factory in Berlin


  • 2 analog inputs (1 x RCA floating-balanced, 1 x balanced XLR)
  • Loudspeaker connectors (binding posts)
  • 2 MBL SmartLink connectors (RJ45)