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StereoPlus / Solidsteel S Series Floor Protecting Pads (4 gb.)

Solidsteel S Series Floor Protecting Pads (4 gb.)


Aizsargājiet savu grīdu no izolācijas tapām ar šiem Solidsteel aizsargpalikņiem. S sērijas paliktņi, kas ir 25 mm (0,98 collu) diametra nerūsējošā tērauda diski, kas paredzēti, lai atbalstītu visas S sērijas tapas. Tie tiek pārdoti atsevišķi kā piederumi, izņemot S3-A&B un S5 sērijas produktus, kas vienmēr ir iekļauti standarta aprīkojumā.


S-Series Protective Floor Pads

The perfect addition to any of Solidsteel’s S Series racks that don’t already include protective discs.

Key Features:

  • Protect your hard floor or low-pile carpet from decoupling spikes
  • Provides additional support for audio racks or speaker stands
  • Made of stainless steel
  • 25mm in diameter

Best paired with spikes

Decoupling spikes work wonders acoustically, but they can easily damage hard floors. Especially the heavy-duty stainless steel spikes on Solidsteels stands. These stainless steel discs protect your floor from damage and provide additional support and isolation to your hi-fi stands. These protective pads are also suitable for use with loudspeakers with decoupling spikes.

These pads are the perfect add-on for the S2 and S3 stands, as well as a single NS speaker stand.